Thursday, March 21, 2013

Words are powerful - stop calling it money!

Words are powerful. It is very important to choose your words correctly when you can. Groups that want to control you often use words in misleading ways. that is why it is critically important to use the word money correctly. What most of us call money today is actually currency.

Currency is:
  1. A medium of exchange - it can be freely traded for goods and services
  2. A unit of account - Bills have numbers on them to indicate how many dollars that particular piece of paper represents. Accounting systems are based on this unit.
  3. Portable - it is easy to transport
  4. Durable - it doesn't wear out
  5. Fungible - every one's money has the same value (the dollar in my pocket is the same as the dollar in your your pocket).
  6. Divisible - it can be divided into smaller units
Money is all those things PLUS it is a store of value over a long period of time.

This is clearly not the case for dollars, euros or any other currency in common use. The dollar lost half its purchasing power since 1988 and 95% it value since 1913 (the year the Federal Reserve came into existence).

People make many, many decisions based on this declining purchasing power. As a retailer in the 1990s, I agonized over a supplier price increase that forced me to raise my candy price above 50 cents for a standard-sized bag of M&Ms. Recently, I put a quarter in a machine and got 6 M&Ms. This is inflation in action.

There are hundreds of examples of fiat currencies (those not backed by a durable asset) in the last 5000 years. All of them have gone to a value of 0. Mike Maloney covers this important Money vs Currency distinction in a lot more depth.

Key take-aways:
  1. True wealth is your time and freedom - not money and even less so any currency. 
  2. Start freeing yourself from economic voodoo! Stop calling those Federal Reserve Notes in you pocket and bank account money. Call it currency.
  3. Words can bind you. Choose them carefully if you want to make changes!
Will you take the challenge to get in the habit of calling dollars currency?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Roles vs Titles

Curtis Guilbot has a great post that describes the top roles in a business organization. These roles are different than titles. Check it out.

I discuss roles vs. titles in Change Agent: Visions. This is a good example of what I mean.

Next post: Thoughts about South by Southwest.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Become a Change Agent: Part Two: Visions Free Download this weekend!

There is a massive amount of change going on in the World today.  In order to navigate this change, you need to know where you want to go.  Without it, you get whipped around by all the forces of change or cling to the eroding shores of things that “UsedToBe”.

Become a Change Agent: Drive the Positive Change You Want for Yourself and the World! Part Two: Visions introduces you to the first and arguably most important pier of the Framework. Vision is like the rudder and keel of a sailboat. They provide relative stability and force that encourage movement in the desired direction.