Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Introduction to Visions

 A vision provides a beacon to guide our way. It is not a set of laws so much as a set of ideals. Vision is immensely valuable in times when the obvious path is not clear. It is a guidepost to keep us from losing our way.
Visions need to respect the boundaries of nature and humanity. The vision needs to be flexible enough that an unforeseen change causes a pivot in strategies or tactics, not a reversal of the vision. Finally, it needs to be flexible enough to be refined as wisdom that accumulates.
There is a series of 5 visions in the Change Agent: Foundation that range in scope from individual to global. For now, let’s examine the Individual Vision.
Individual Vision
I am not going to try to give you a personal vision – in fact, my personal mantra is “One size fits none”. I want to stimulate you to create a vision that is right for you. Some people will need more than one vision. Personal visions do have some common characteristics, though.
The first characteristic is that your vision should be BIG! It should be idealistic and it should get you, personally excited. With vision, the alarm clock snooze button is a useless accessory because working toward your vision gets you out of bed in the morning. If your vision is not a wellspring of interest and energy for you, it is not big enough or personal enough.
This is your intension in the yogic sense, only bigger. It is the idea that helps you focus on the task at hand. You keep coming back to it in a practice. Intention is not a goal but more of a journey. Think of intension as a gift you give yourself. So is your personal vision.
Your vision should also be tempered by your personal abilities and interests. Making the Olympics is not a realistic vision for someone that hates to work out.
For most of us, our vision includes improving some aspect or aspects of the world.  The very first step is changing yourself in the image of your vision. Be the change you want to see in the world. Your vision will somehow involve service to others if it is a viable one.
My personal vision is to help as many people as possible transform into the creative beings that thrive in the environment of today and the future. I hold the image of groups of people surfing the massive waves of change together - not grasping for the quickly disintegrating security of the “used to be”.
There are certain ethical restraints that a vision must have. The boundaries involve personal responsibility which leads to a discussion about the Global Vision. For now, vision should not involve force, fraud or damage to others or nature. In fact, it should be the opposite – uplifting, empowering and creative!
As you share your vision with others and work toward creating it, you will naturally come into contact with others that see your vision too. Their Vision will compliment yours and provide opportunities to work together in co-creation. This is called the law of attraction. As these collaborations grow, Intentional Communities will form around them. Intentional Communities represent another of the 5 Visions.
Your vision should bring you happiness. Being happy allows you to focus on the now without effort. As you live your vision, expressions of joy and gratitude should become a common part of your everyday life. Gratitude acknowledges the gifts that other people and external forces constantly bring to you. It helps others validate their vision. Wouldn’t life be wonderful if everyone you interact with helps elevate your vision because they are elevated by the interaction as well? Make it so!
Coming next:
An overview of the first 2 parts of the Change Agent: Framework for activating change.

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