Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Exerpt from my upcoming book on Vision

Here is an exerpt from my upcoming book, Become a Change Agent: Drive the Positive Change you want for yourself and the World  Part Two: Visions. Enjoy!

Why in the World Do I Need a Vision?


Where there is no vision, the people perish.

~ Proverbs 28:18
There are benefits to having a Personal Vision. There are costs or consequences for living without one.


The first group of benefits helps the Change Agent choose the correct actions.

1.       A Personal Vision keeps the Change Agent focused on what really matters.

2.      A Personal Vision allows the Change Agent to make choices more effectively and confidently.

The second group of benefits helps the Change Agent retain focus.

3.      A Personal Vision helps the Change Agent flesh out what is important.

4.      A Personal Vision keeps the Change Agent on track in a crazy world.

5.      A Personal Vision cuts through the haze and confusion.

The third group of benefits helps the Change Agent find happiness.

6.      A Personal Vision helps a Change Agent love life.

Without a Personal Vision, it is easy to make bad choices.

1.       You get involved with people, activities and projects that you should avoid.

2.      You waste time and energy due to a lack of focus.

Without a Personal Vision, it is easy to be directionless and ineffective.

3.      Day to day life is focused on urgencies, crises and chaos.

4.      You do not have an independent voice and it becomes easy to get “run over”.

5.      You are unable to set true guidelines or boundaries.

6.      Life seems rudderless and directionless. There seems to be no map or future other than spinning your wheels.

Without a Personal Vision, life is one of waste and regret.

7.      You squander your talents.

8.     You dread growing old.

9.      You look back with regret and forward with fear.

10.   You are unhappy and have feelings of being overwhelmed, depressed and sad.

DO NOT LIVE THIS WAY! GET A PERSONAL VISION! Start to change your life with a Positive Personal Vision. 

What is your Personal Vision?

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