Jettison your baggage! That is so much easier to say than to
do! You work really hard to detach yourself from things that no longer have any
value in your life only do discover a new version of the same valueless stuff
rushes in to fill the void.
I cleaned out a bunch of old archives over the weekend. You
SHOULD do this once a year but I had not actually done it in about 3 years.
There were boxes and boxes of old records that had absolutely no connection to
my life today. Business records from entities that no longer exist, legal papers,
and paperwork related to the move to Austin.
I realized that the pounds and pounds of paper in the attic
was only part of the weight I was dragging around. In particular, some legal
papers reminded me of a grudge I had been carrying with someone that is no
longer a significant part of my life (she is a relative and other members of my
family create second-hand contact). Her
bitterness and venom still occasionally affect me today – and it is my fault
because I allow it.
Part Two of “Become a Change Agent (publication date is
mid-February) discusses the liberation of lifestyle design. Here are some more
thoughts about the “Elimination” step:
There are some things that you should actively remove from
your life.
Baggage that drags you down – Physical things
that you are obligated to spend time and effort maintaining but you do not get
much use or pleasure from them. People that bring out the worst in you. People
that are dangerous or destructive.
Stuff that doesn’t matter – Most “UseToBes” fall
into this group. Do you engage in activities that do not interest you just to
be part of the “in” crowd? Find activities that really interest you and meet
people that help you define what “in” really means.
Things that are not part of your day-to-day life but you
should keep anyway.
Good memories – As long as they do not create an
attachment to “the good old days”. Adopt a mindset that those were great
experiences but the best is yet to come!
Artifacts that retain value- This is not just
value of the economic sort. Some things retain value to you alone and those are
things you should keep.
There are things that are difficult to eliminate. I call
that stuff that resurfaces
If you eliminate something big, there are
typically “loose ends” that come up.
Accept that fact with the knowledge that the “loose ends” eventually
Serious grudges. We are human. Even when you
forgive, it can be hard to forget, especially if you must have contact with
that person.
People or groups that “need you”. You must be
patient while they readjust to life after you. Sometimes, a gentle push in that
direction is required.
What can you let go of TODAY, RIGHT NOW that will make your
outlook on life better?
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